Whitehorne House Museum
416 Thames Street
Newport, Rhode Island
Whitehorne House Museum is open by appointment only. Please email visit@newportrestoration.org for more information.

Whitehorne From Home Series, Furniture Inside Out.
Take a close look at one exceptional piece in the Whitehorne House Museum collection. Explore how it was made, how it functioned (and still functions), and even unpack some of the current mysteries surrounding the object—from the inside out.
Here’s the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8pASdFYNPIk

Newport Restoration Foundation’s Whitehorne House Museum is the only museum in the world dedicated to displaying and exploring the artistry, history, and culture of 18th-century Newport furniture and related decorative arts.
One of the highlights of Whitehorne House Museum is its beautiful garden. This inviting space is filled with antique roses, blueberry bushes and fruit trees, and a dazzling array of perennials and annuals. The design is an interpretation of a Federal period garden for an affluent, urban family.
Here’s the Collection: https://www.newportrestoration.org/whitehornehouse/collection/
Website link: https://www.newportrestoration.org/whitehornehouse/#visit
Image Credits: newportrestoration.org unless otherwise noted