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The previous owners of our house installed antique lightning rods along the rooflines.
Q & A: Richard Irons Restoration Mason
Richard Irons, 70, of Limerick, Maine, described as one of the best restoration masons in America, has worked on historic houses and museum properties in the northeastern United States for more than 40 years.
Waiting for an Opening: Reclaiming Vintage Windows in your Antique Home
Use oil paint on your windows every five to eight years, for if this is done, they will continue to last forever.
Historic Homes: Insurance Basics
Many homeowners mistakenly insure their home for the purchase price or market value when they should be looking for guaranteed replacement costs.
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Hospitality at the Quaker Tavern InnFeatured tour
Early American Colonial | $ 1,400,000
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Impure Thoughts: Stylistic Gamut
People have always dragged their possessions from household to household, whether it was by sentiment or economics. If you study period interior photographs or paintings of actual dwellings (as opposed to advertisements or designer’s renderings), you’ll rarely see one that contains furnishings that were all made within a year of each other. Careful scrutiny will always reveal items from a previous era.
Fenced In: Period Appropriate Fences
An overview of period-appropriate fences: their existence on any specific historic property either directly enhances or detracts from the historic impression of the structures. Fences have always been a device to differentiate between “mine” and “yours” and originally were of use containing livestock.
New Hope for Abandoned Homes: A Massachusetts Initiative
Massachusetts Abandoned Housing Initiative works with municipalities to rehabilitate blighted properties to boost neighborhoods and foster economic development.
The Role Of Historic Properties in Sustainability
Sustainability is incorporated as one of the guiding principles of the historic preservation movement.