Lyman Estate & Greenhouses
185 Lyman Street
Waltham, Massachusetts

Lyman Estate Hours:
April – October
First and third Saturdays
November – March
First Saturdays
Tours at 10 AM, 11 AM, 12 PM
Grounds open daily from dawn to dusk.
The Lyman Estate, also known as “the Vale,” is a National Historic Landmark and one of the finest U.S. examples of a country estate following eighteenth-century English naturalistic design. In 1793 shipping merchant Theodore Lyman commissioned famed architect Samuel McIntire to design and build a Federal-style house for his family.
Link to the Lyman Estate website:

The Lyman Estate Greenhouses are among the oldest surviving greenhouses in the United States. The complex includes an 1804 grape house, 1820 camellia house, 1930 orchid house, and a 1840s sales greenhouse where you can buy plants to take home. Our expert horticultural staff offers advice and assistance with plant selection and culture. No matter the season, a visit to these picturesque greenhouses is a treat.
Location: 185 Lyman Street, Waltham, Massachusetts
Tuesday – Saturday
9:30 AM – 4 PM
Closed Thursday, November 23 and Friday, November 24.

Camellia Days
Tuesdays – Saturdays, through March 19, 2024, 9:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Location: Lyman Estate Greenhouses, 85 Lyman Street Waltham, Massachusetts
Visit our celebrated collection of camellias in the 1804 camellia house at the Lyman Estate Greenhouses. Treat yourself to a mini-vacation and soak up the atmosphere and colors of the tropics, along with some history. Enjoy the 100-year-old camellias in full bloom at one of the oldest surviving greenhouses in the United States.
Link to the Lyman Estate greenhouse website:
Image Credits: unless otherwise noted